Participated In Every Race
This amazing group of people has participated in every race since its inception in 1978!
Michael Allmon
Major Avignon
Bob Blindbury
Lon Clearwaters
Dick Douglas
Bob Elliott
Karl Enockson
Richard Gronbach
David Helgevold
Jim Horner
Don Jung
Dale Keldrauk
Fred Kight
Don Kustudia
Charlotte Lesser
Russ Lesser
Jerome Libera
John Mack
Steve Miller
Steve Nisen
Peggy Nisen
Larry Ott
Linda Papermaster
Jim Pugliese
Mary Sikonia
Dick Williams
Bob Wyler
Hall of Fame
This awesome group participated in all races up to or beyond the 25th Annual Run and while they're no longer on a continuous streak, it is incredible what they accomplished, and have a well earned place in the Hall of Fame!
Helen Barton
Robert Benard
Stephen Burrin
Anne Caplan
Sandra Ceman
Carol Champagne
Peter Champagne
Dan Crosser
Bruce Davy
Charles Didinger
Dennis Dinneen
Jan Dresser
Louann Evans
Alvin Fletcher
Ned Fox
John Gillis
B.J. Golik
Carol Grimes
John Hales
Tim Jackert
Tracy Johnson
Bill Kozasa
Bill Lettunich
Delmer Losson
Robert Marenca
Jim McCaverty
Patrick McGough
Julie Meidroth
Reed McIlroy
Dwight Moberg
Edward Myska
Stanley Newton
Scott Ninegar
Russell Noel
Bridget Pirzynski
Valerie Rae
John Rockwood
James Rupp
Gary Ruseling
Jim Ryan
James Shankle
Terry Taughner
Carol Vedder
Linda Wilson
Alan Wing